Saturday, February 14, 2009

Djouce Mountain

Date: 14/02/2009
Area: Djouce Mountain, Wicklow, Ireland
Maps used: OSI Sheet 56
Weather: Cold and cloudy, 2ft of snow in places

Route Description: Started at the car park at O213149. Followed the track through the forest heading south until reaching a stream at around O206114. Headed more or less northwest using the stream as a handrail on the right. Walked almost 2km until the Wicklow Way and turned left (southwest) towards Djouce. Walked another 2.5km until reaching a fence that leads to the summit. Decided not to go to the summit as it was late and it would be dark soon. Returned to the car park via the same route.

Duration: 5 hours
Distance: 13km
Total Ascent: 400m