Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Date: 22/12/2009
Area: Lugnaquilla, Wicklow, Ireland
Maps used: OSI Sheet 56
Weather: Very cold, low clouds, with sunny spells at times, 0.5ft+ of snow

Route Description: Started at the last car park up in Glenmalure (T067941) and headed northwest on the track, past the hostel. Shortly after, took a sharp turn left (south) up the Fraughan Rock Glen. Headed straight up the glen (southwest) until reaching T044930, then turned left towards the southeast to the col between the Lug east spur and Clohernagh. Once on the col, turned right and climbed the spur that leads to the summit of Lug, the highest point in the Leinster province (925m). Descended via the same route.

Duration: 5.5 hours
Distance: 12km
Total Ascent: 770m

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tomies Rock

Date: 26/07/2009
Area: Tomies Rock, Gap of Dunloe, Kerry, Ireland
Maps used: OSI Sheet 78
Weather: Cool and windy, rainy at times

Route Description: Started from Kate Kearney's Cottage. Walked to the bridge before Black Lake. Then headed straight east towards Tomies Rock via the steep scree slope. After reaching the summit (568m), descended north initially and then started an anti-clockwise route back towards the bridge and then on the road back to the starting point.

Duration: 3 hours
Distance: 6km
Total Ascent: 528m

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Date: 19/04/2009
Area: Scarr, Wicklow, Ireland
Maps used: OSI Sheet 56
Weather: Mild and clear

Route Description: Started from car park at O158019 and walked south following the road until taking a track to the right (west) at T158996. Headed uphill (west) until the track turns sharply to the left (southeast). At that point, headed northwest towards the Scarr south ridge. After summitting Scarr (641m) descended via the northeast ridge, then south at the border of the forest and into the track that led back to the starting point.

Duration: 4 hours
Distance: 10km
Total Ascent: 431m

Monday, April 13, 2009


Date: 13/04/2009
Area: Croaghaun, Achill Island, Mayo, Ireland
Maps used: None (would have been OSI Sheet 30)
Weather: Cool and clear, with some low cloud at times

Route Description: Once in Achill Island, headed towards Keel beach, on the west. About 2km before the beach there's a small road to the right that leads to the reservoir. Started the walk more or less from coordinates 53.976635,-10.165272. From here headed uphill more or less west with the lake to my right (north). Walked around the 'E'-shaped corrie clockwise and descended by the other side of the lake. Beautiful horseshoe walk.

Duration: 4 hours
Distance: 5.5km
Total Ascent: 360m

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Date: 01/03/2009
Area: Beenreagh, Kerry, Ireland
Maps used: OSI Sheet 78
Weather: Cold and clear, rainy at times

Route Description: Started at a fork in the road at V677864. Walked down the main road direction southwest until the road ends among a couple of houses. Headed uphill more or less in the same direction until reaching the stream and then veered slightly to the right heading for the 408m point in the col between Macklaun and Beenreagh. Once on the col turned right (north) and headed towards Beenreagh (495m). After going through all the tops reached the 467m point and then headed southeast until reaching a fence. Proceeded down until reaching the road and then back to the starting point.

Duration: 4 hours
Distance: 5.5km
Total Ascent: 335m

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Djouce Mountain

Date: 14/02/2009
Area: Djouce Mountain, Wicklow, Ireland
Maps used: OSI Sheet 56
Weather: Cold and cloudy, 2ft of snow in places

Route Description: Started at the car park at O213149. Followed the track through the forest heading south until reaching a stream at around O206114. Headed more or less northwest using the stream as a handrail on the right. Walked almost 2km until the Wicklow Way and turned left (southwest) towards Djouce. Walked another 2.5km until reaching a fence that leads to the summit. Decided not to go to the summit as it was late and it would be dark soon. Returned to the car park via the same route.

Duration: 5 hours
Distance: 13km
Total Ascent: 400m